When the COVID-19 pandemic still raging globally, artificial intelligence (AI) technology and 5G technology can play an important roles in virus prevention as well as in the healthcare services.

On March 24, at 4PM, Dong Nai Technology University (DNTU) had joined a webinar with the main topic “THE ROLE OF AI AND 5G IN THE COVID-19 FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19” with professional experts in AI and 5G fields. This is a joint webinar between Duy Tan University (Da Nang) and The P2A Organization. As a strategic partner with P2A and has been with many cross-border projects, Dong Nai Technology University definitely cannot miss the webinar with this special topic.
With the participation of Dr. Pham Dinh Sac – Vice Rector of DNTU – together with the Heads of the Training – Testing Department and the Information Technology Department, had the opportunity to join to the webinar speakers on issues related to the healthcare field as well as the importance of AI and 5G applications in future virus preparedness and response.
The workshop took place in the exchange between GS. Duong Quang Trung – Director of the Institute of AI and Big Data of Duy Tan University (AI-DTU) along with other speakers is PhD. Claudio Angione, Dr. Han The Anh and Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan. In the general situation of the world today, many expectations have focused on the potential of 5G in supporting the provision of remote medical services. This model even allows medical staff to remotely monitor vital signs of the patient. In addition, combining and integrating 5G with advanced technologies such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Cloud, … is absolutely necessary in the healthcare field, aiming to achieve the model called ‘patient-centered’, especially when the patient is very far from medical facilities.
However, the main time of the webinar was only within an hour, so it was not possible to elaborate on the originally raised issues. Therefore, the webinar series will continue to take place in April with so many topics related to Healthcare, Environment, Disaster …
Being able to join and receive the individual point of view of these professional professors from famous universities, this is a rewarding learning opportunity for DNTU students and lecturers.
International Affairs Office