DNTU lecturers participated in the virtual program “Training the Trainer” with National Pingtung University NPTU (Taiwan)

National Pintung University (NPTU) held an opening ceremony for the “Training the Trainer” online program for ASEAN partner universities on April 23, 2022, with instructors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages in attendance (Dong Nai Technology University). From April 23 through June 25, 2022, the online program will last at least two months.

The program is designed to assist participants in gaining new teaching skills as well as gaining access to Taiwan’s higher education system. Participants will gain new skills and pedagogical strategies for online teaching as well as have a better understanding of EMI’s policies and practices (EMI, English – Medium). At universities locally and globally, instruction is a teaching approach that uses English as a medium to teach specialized courses.

Empirical Education in Taiwan, Curriculum Reform in Taiwan, Critical Thinking and Narrative Inquiry Methods in Trainer Training, Theory and Practice Board Games, Chinese Practice Methods, and Online Teaching Methods are among the topics covered in the program. Taiwanese education specialists lecture and guide them.

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